family-looking-to-refinance-home-loan family-looking-to-refinance-home-loan

Real life refinancing

Would you appreciate an extra $300 in your pocket every month? Who wouldn’t! Reviewing your home loan options when you already have a mortgage can often be placed into the too hard basket. But it could save you a lot of money and we can do most of the legwork for you.

Let’s take a look at some real life refinancing scenarios to help you understand the potential savings.

Case study one

Anna was paying $1,205 per month on her existing home loan of $285,000. Through refinancing she now pays $1,150 - a monthly saving of $55. With the equity in her property, Anna was able to purchase an investment property for $385,000.

Case study two

Katie came to Loan Market determined to pay off her mortgage faster. Through refinancing her monthly loan repayments of $1,892 were cut by $337. By continuing to pay $1,892 each month she’ll save over $98,000 on interest over the life of her loan and reduce her loan period by nine years and eight months.

Case study three

Adam was paying $1,975 per month for his $312,000 home loan and was looking to move. By refinancing his loan he has saved $308 a month and was able to use the equity in his property to purchase his new home. Adam now rents his other property out as an investment.

Some things to consider

There are some factors we’ll review to determine if refinancing is the right move for you. There are costs involved in refinancing your home loan so it may not be the right financial move for everyone. These costs include government charges to switch (to give you an idea, it’s a maximum of $250) and any lender application fees. Aside from any applicable costs, some other things we’ll review are:

  • Your repayment history or changed financial circumstances
  • How high is your loan-to-value ratio (LVR)
  • Is your loan amount too small (this is a nice problem to have)

When reviewing your situation, we’ll be looking for an opportunity to save you money and put you in a better financial situation within a year. If you’re wondering if you would be better off refinancing your home loan get in touch.

Published: 29/6/2014


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